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Robinswood Primary Academy

Our Young Leaders

School Council

The School Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run; it is after all their school. We respect and value the thoughts and opinions of our children and whilst it may not always be possible or practical to do everything they suggest, the children do have some fantastic ideas and are able to accept why some ideas may not work well for the school community.

The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made within school.

Councillors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each Councillor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent.

We have a School Council with boys and girls representing their fellow pupils from each class from Reception to Year 6.

Each councillor is elected by their classmates at the beginning of the school year after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected. This develops children’s understanding of one of British values: democracy. They also understand that with democracy comes responsibility.

Associate Board Members (ABMs)

Pupils in Year 6 are given the opportunity to apply to become Associate Board Members (ABM).  Associate Board Members help the senior leadership to drive school improvement.  ABMs meet together regularly to decide on a focus for school improvement. They will then conduct learning walks and complete a report to feedback to teachers and the Trust Board. ABMs play a vital role in the life of our school because they give pupil's perspectives on the teaching and learning taking place within our school. Being an ABM allows children to develop their communication and teamwork skills in a safe environment. 

The application process to be an ABM is vigorous and reflects the process of applying for a job in the real world. Children complete an application form and, if invited for interview, also have to deliver a presentation about why they would make a good Associate Board Member.  They then find out about the role through the post.

Sports captains

Sports Captains together develop and hone their leadership skills in sport and physical activity to help the school community stay physically active using the STEP Principle (Space, Task, Equipment, People).

Our Sports Leaders demonstrate and promote six key values: Self-belief, Teamwork, Determination, Honesty, Passion and Respect.

Throughout the academic year, they will learn and demonstrate important life skills such as effective communication and organisation whilst learning to lead basic physical activities to younger people and their peers.

Sports Leaders meet weekly with Mrs Dare to review the actions set and discuss further ideas to improve the physical activity of the school.

Regular updates can be found on the school PE noticeboard, Class Dojo and the newsletter.

Attendance Ambassadors

To assist in the promotion and drive of good attendance for all children within the school, we have  Attendance Ambassadors. The role of an Attendance Ambassador is to provide input from a pupil's perspective and to represent all children's voices within the school. This may include possible barriers to attendance and ideas and incentives to increase it. There are regular attendance meetings with the Ambassador's and the attendance officer, and they assist within the attendance assemblies. All candidates have to write a letter explaining why attendance is important and why they think that they would be good at the role.

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Wellbeing Ambassadors are children who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing.  The Ambassadors have a responsibility for leading and promoting wellbeing throughout school. They drive the message forward and release the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk. Wellbeing Ambassadors provide feedback on what’s working well and highlight any gaps in whole-school approaches to wellbeing.