SEND Contact details
SENDCo: Mrs Rachel Godwin
Assistant SENDCo: Mrs Rachel Ford-Thomson
Tel: 01452 530430
Option #2
Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
Here you will find information about the implementation of our policy for pupils with special educational needs. These documents will contain:
- the arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils
- the steps you have taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils
- the facilities you provide to help disabled pupils to access the school
- the plan prepared under paragraph 3 of Schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010 (accessibility plan) for:
- improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is readily accessible to pupils who are not disabled
- improving the physical environment of the school for the purpose of increasing the extent to which disabled pupils are able to take advantage of education and benefits, facilities or services provided or offered by the school
- increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school’s curriculum.
Click below to be taken to our policies page where the SEND policy (ref 1-031) can be viewed. Our policy list is in alphabetical order.
The Thrive Approach
We embrace the Thrive Approach. Thrive is a dynamic, developmental approach to working with children and young people that helps teachers and adults to interpret their behaviour and address their emotional needs. See our dedicated page or ask the Inclusion Team if you would like more information.
- Thrive and Restorative Practice
- More Information - Thrive - Thrive Approach
Useful links
Local Authorities have a duty to publish a "Local Offer", setting out in one place information about provision they expect to be available in their area across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled, including those who do not have EHC plans.
- SEND Local Offer - Gloucestershire Families Directory
- The Process - Requesting an EHC assessment - Gov.UK
- My Child has additional needs, what does this mean and what can I do? - Gloucestershire County Council
- Special Educational Needs * Disability * Health Conditions * Rare Disease - Special Needs Jungle
- SEN Support in mainstream schools - SENDIASS Gloucestershire
- Education, Health & Care Plans - SENDIASS Gloucestershire
- Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment for children in early years settings or at school - SENDIASS Gloucestershire
- Information, Advice & Support Services Network for SEND - SEND Support Network
- Giving disabled children a brighter future - SENDIASS Gloucesterhshire
- Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment for children in early years settings or at school - SENDIASS Gloucestershire
- Information, Advice & Support Services Network for SEND - SEND Support Network
- Giving children a brighter future - Giving disabled children a brighter future
- SEN Jargon Buster - SENDIASS Gloucestershire
- Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum - Gloucestershire Parent Carer Forum